Mastering Business Finance for Owners & Managers

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To get the full benefit of 60 Minute CFO, download the following Microsoft Excel Templates.


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Download the following Excel Spreadsheets to fast-track your mastery of the financial statements.

Business Mastery - Sample Data

Business Mastery - Blank

Business Mastery Video Tutorial

** Scroll down for Moving and Storage industry workbooks.**

Once you have downloaded, save and get started with these 5 easy steps:

  1. Assemble four years of annual Income Statements and Balance Sheets. If you don't have four years, use as many as you have.

  2. Follow the instructions on the tabs as you go. Fill in your historical annual information. Then fill out every month of the current year.

  3. Make projections of your Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the current year. Do the best you can so that you can understand how this spreadsheet works. Once you have your most expected results foretasted, save that and then do a worst case and best case forecast. 

  4. Work through each tab, following the instructions. If you get stuck, consider purchasing the accompanying book for sale on this website.

  5. Congrats! You now have a formalized process for forecasting and analyzing your cash flow and ratios. These are key signals of your business' future!

Other helpful workbooks:

Business Review - Use this workbook to conduct an operational review of your business and should be done on an annual basis.

Business Break-even - Use this workbook to calculate the break-even sales level of your business.

Business Equipment - Use this workbook to determine the feasibility of purchasing fixed assets.

Moving & Storage Specific Templates (.zip file) - Download eight valuable Excel workbooks specific to the moving and storage industry. Included are: Move Mastery, Move Mastery Sample, Business Review, Business Break-even, Business Equipment, Job Cost Analysis, Job Cost Analysis Sample, and Owner/Operator Income and Expense Analysis.